Saturday, August 22, 2009
book review : princess diaries : princess in love
well this is a book that i didnt expect to love . well i did . when i was younger . well it was my mom who wanted me to read that but i changed to some mystery novels . but now i like it too :D hahaha :] so anyways my love for books started since birrh :]] haha joke but my addiction started when i was grade 6 :] well it was because we had a policy that after every 3 o clock prayer . we need to read a book . well at first i was like sure ill go bring some nutty book . i just brang with me the book of my all time favorite movie : harry potter and the prizoner of azkaban . well it was harbound and its the most presentable book i have . well at first i was like scanning through the book . and after the RHGP [hhis also has RHGP] they convinced us to not just look at the book and read it . well i was like sure . and when i was really reading i couldnt help myself anymore . i just kept on reading . and after that t arlene [my filipino and math teacher : the last 2 subjects are with her] was kinda telling herself that i wasnt supposed to be one of those who were supposed to be conviced :]] =]] :]] =]] couz after that i was really addicted . they thought after the first book is the end [which is just 3 days] well no . i didnt stop there . after book 4 [goblet of fire] i even bought the proceding books :]] well my mom and dad gave me the first 4 as a christmas gift when i was grade 4 [the year of chamber of secrets] :]] and when i got to book 6 i went back to book 1 :]] book 1 was actually just half the day :]] so here i am now the book addict :]] so i forgot
this blog is about a book review and not my addiction haha :]] im really always just so carried away with what i say :]] so anyways princess diaries : princess in love is book 3 of the series . well really im reading in *sabog form* well it kinda annoying . it like a spoiler x.x i want to read it in the form i want . x.x not like this which is actually quite annoying not like harry potter i got almost all the series before acutally reading it . well share . mostly i dont like books being filled into the big screen . well to be honest most of the good part goes gone . just like harry potter and the order of the phoenix !!!! grrr !!! i hate it !!! they didnt actually show how my favourite character died TT.TT x.x they are so evil x.x TT.TT and they also got the good parts gone TT.TT x.x evil director x.x TT.TT he even did the same to the preceding movie TT.TT x.x grrr !! TT.TT sirius black TT.TT waa TT.TT so anyways i need to do a book review and not a random blog . well im here to blog that i am so totally loving princess amelia thermopolis migonette grimaldi ronaldo haha . we do have a lot of similarities . well we both need self actualization and we like to express what we feel n the form of a prose . and we are simple :] this blog is now the journal of my life :] this one and the other i mean . well we both have an audience at our literary prose :]] =]] :]] =]] *feeler* so i dont wish to be a princess like her . but one things for sure . i would really love to attain my self actualization

health : marga health status :]]
so here goes with my blog :] this is about myself first since its marga's blog :] well im officially 4'9" and 42.5 kg and im about to turn 15 on august 30 . waaaaaaaaaa ! im expectionally small and light for my age . im abnormal x.x my boyfie is one day older than me but he is approximately 5'4" and 70 kg . gawd im so small . x.x so anyways im a life size doll of kathleen anne merced s taping . and vincent max l alvarado . considering that i am very movable i really am their little doll . and to be a fact that i am up to mikee borromeo's shoulder . i am exeptionally small . but im not the smallest :P well my BMI is 20 which is healthy *dao* but i guess i dont believe it x.x well im almost unhealthy . well anyways im a girl . not a woman so anyways as a girl you always have those feeling of unesiness . because i am in the puberty stage of my life . i have my doubts and insecurities about myself . so anyways . as a child in her puberty years i am really concious about myself . for example . how i smell like . because sometimes i feel like i smell my blood and feel concious that others may too . o.O i mean it . im really scared . i am even afraid of body odor . like from the underarms x.x hello . i am not allowed to pluck [i made myself] because based on studies plucking contributes in the formation of breast cancer . like hello . i dont want that to happen o.O like who would ? but i do . but learning yesterday i lost my ability to do so because i wasnt really doing it so for so long . even if i dont have chicken skin :P my couzin . sister and mother are jelous that i dont have that :P well i have the better skin type remember ? :P so anyways but i shave i get like darker underarms x.x im like asking my aunt if i can have one of those whitening deodorant . o.O what am i blogging again ? o.O gawwd im blogging something private o.O so anyways i dont care anymore . haha couz this things are facts . so anyways i dont like my vains [circulatory system] being visible o.O ! o.O i dont like what they look like . but i like how they feel :]] =]] :]] =]] im so abnormal :]] =]] :]] =]] so i always like to play with other people's hands . even rough hands :] rawr . well basing from this blog entry i was shocked almost all of it are true . well im not very confident and not independent and also straight forward . well im a type of person who beats around the bush i want to . well i am a problem server i want to take over the situation and if i was given the opportunity . well i dont like to step up . im not confident . and im not very dependable couz im a dependent person . but given the chance i can and and would if they would trust me . basically the way hazel always look at me she doesnt give a chance at trusting me . but if you were to trust me anything that would be secrets . im not the type that would tease you infront of the person you are keeping the secret away from :] i could actually pretend with you . and laugh with you after having that akward times :]] i even put myself on the shoes of the person who just trusted me his/her secret . which is actually breath taking :]] well i love my friends and i always show my support and love to them :] even if they always cry on me i dont know how but i make them smile :] i have all the time in the world to spare and to make they smile and laugh with me :] ive got nothing to lose :] nothing but the memories we will forever share :]
Friday, August 21, 2009
health.science : its a banana thing :]]
have you ever seen one of those outcast banana trees outside the school ? well i have a trivia did you know that after a banana has produced a fruit . it will lose its ability to bear a new one . so in short it only bears one . well just now i saw one being cut and a meter away i saw the bundle of bananas . it was green ^-^v so anyways i was really expecting that and so and so . but did you also know that the inside of the banana is found a sap which can be used as ink :]] i know that because we did that for the investigatory project :]] hahaha :] so anyways they really shouldve just done that . or maybe they shoulve used the tree or sumthing for sumthing else . i guess they will . i hope so :] well heres the thing . they are also destroying our back . because a subdivision would be made . exchange to the habitat of the frogs . no more frogs for iiison during the night . so anyways . is it a good thing hearing that . . . NOT ! its so totally not ! look at how much pollution that object contributes in the pollution of earth ! its so totally not helping ! its so evil ! it is not justice ! they are already destroying the frog's habitat . along with the pretty dragonflies TT.TT grrr ! they are contributing to the pollution which is already present in the air and third they are so totally destroying some children's health . i saw some playful kids going around the area . that is so not safe ! what if they happen to be infront of the bulldozer and they didnt respond due to complications ? grr im scared for the kids and the future of the frogs . wow im ok now with the frogs :]] im used to be frightened with them but looking at my sister more frightened than i am im ok with it now :]] =]] :]] =]] :]] =]] so here i am blogging about how people are so arrogant . you see how much people destroy the ozone layer just by staying in an air conditoned car ! we need to change look at mia thermopolis ! she is a princess yet she is so totally ready to help change the world ! she is a princess but her favorite footware is a combat boots and she is so totally down to earth so i love her :] she isnt vain . but she is enviromental concious person even if she is royal . so just like the princess of genovia we need to take care of our earth :] we need to love our home :] our mother :]
Thursday, August 20, 2009
introductory speech.*bow*
this blog will focus anthing under the sun :]] so anyways this blog will be my observatory blog . anyways i already have a journal so this will be my documentary blog . this is a form of literary prose so respect my entries ! well im about to blog long things . well you would most probably catch me blogging about science couz even i as a student love science and my possible futures mostly are science like psychology . reflexology . nursing so anyways enjoy my blog and thanks for wasting your time on reading my blogs :]
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