Saturday, August 22, 2009
book review : princess diaries : princess in love
well this is a book that i didnt expect to love . well i did . when i was younger . well it was my mom who wanted me to read that but i changed to some mystery novels . but now i like it too :D hahaha :] so anyways my love for books started since birrh :]] haha joke but my addiction started when i was grade 6 :] well it was because we had a policy that after every 3 o clock prayer . we need to read a book . well at first i was like sure ill go bring some nutty book . i just brang with me the book of my all time favorite movie : harry potter and the prizoner of azkaban . well it was harbound and its the most presentable book i have . well at first i was like scanning through the book . and after the RHGP [hhis also has RHGP] they convinced us to not just look at the book and read it . well i was like sure . and when i was really reading i couldnt help myself anymore . i just kept on reading . and after that t arlene [my filipino and math teacher : the last 2 subjects are with her] was kinda telling herself that i wasnt supposed to be one of those who were supposed to be conviced :]] =]] :]] =]] couz after that i was really addicted . they thought after the first book is the end [which is just 3 days] well no . i didnt stop there . after book 4 [goblet of fire] i even bought the proceding books :]] well my mom and dad gave me the first 4 as a christmas gift when i was grade 4 [the year of chamber of secrets] :]] and when i got to book 6 i went back to book 1 :]] book 1 was actually just half the day :]] so here i am now the book addict :]] so i forgot
this blog is about a book review and not my addiction haha :]] im really always just so carried away with what i say :]] so anyways princess diaries : princess in love is book 3 of the series . well really im reading in *sabog form* well it kinda annoying . it like a spoiler x.x i want to read it in the form i want . x.x not like this which is actually quite annoying not like harry potter i got almost all the series before acutally reading it . well share . mostly i dont like books being filled into the big screen . well to be honest most of the good part goes gone . just like harry potter and the order of the phoenix !!!! grrr !!! i hate it !!! they didnt actually show how my favourite character died TT.TT x.x they are so evil x.x TT.TT and they also got the good parts gone TT.TT x.x evil director x.x TT.TT he even did the same to the preceding movie TT.TT x.x grrr !! TT.TT sirius black TT.TT waa TT.TT so anyways i need to do a book review and not a random blog . well im here to blog that i am so totally loving princess amelia thermopolis migonette grimaldi ronaldo haha . we do have a lot of similarities . well we both need self actualization and we like to express what we feel n the form of a prose . and we are simple :] this blog is now the journal of my life :] this one and the other i mean . well we both have an audience at our literary prose :]] =]] :]] =]] *feeler* so i dont wish to be a princess like her . but one things for sure . i would really love to attain my self actualization

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