Saturday, November 28, 2009

Project in Journalism

Examples of the type of poetry


Few thought he was even a starter;
There were many who thought themselves smarter,
But he ended a PM
CH and OM
An earl and a Knight of the Garter.

- Clement Attlee

Sonnet, Iambic Pentameter and Couplet :

When in Disgrace with Men's Eyes
William Shakespeare

When in disgrace with fortune and men's eyes,
I all alone beweep my outcast state,
And trouble deaf heaven with my bootless cries,
And look upon myself, and curse my fate,
Wishing me like to one more rich in hope,
Featured like him, like him with friends possess'd
Desiring this man's art, and that man's scope,
With what I most enjoy contentment least;
Yet in all these thoughts myself almost despising
Haply I think on thee, and then my state,
Like to the lark at the break of day arising
From sullen earth, sings hymns at heaven's state,
For thy sweet love remember'd such wealth brings,
That then I scorn to change my state with kings.


Ballad of the Gibbet
Francois Villon

Brothers and men that shall after us be,
Let not your hearts be hard to us:
For pitying this our misery
Ye shall find God the more piteous.
Look on us six that are hanging thus,
And for the flesh that so much we cherished
How it is eaten of birds and perished,
And ashes and dust fill our bones’ place,
Mock not at us that so feeble be,
But pray God pardon us out of his grace.
Listen we pray you, and look not in scorn,
Though justly, in sooth, we are cast to die;
Ye wot no man so wise is born
That keeps his wisdom constantly.
Be ye then merciful, and cry
To Mary’s Son that is piteous,
That his mercy take no stain from us,
Saving us out of the fiery place.
We are but dead, let no soul deny
To pray God succor us of His grace.
The rain out of heaven has washed us clean,
The sun has scorched us black and bare,
Ravens and rooks have pecked at our eyne,
And feathered their nests with our beards
And hair.
Round are we tossed, and here and there,
This way and that, at the wild wind’s will,
Never a moment my body is still;
Birds they are busy about my face.
Live not as we, not fare as we fare;
Pray God pardon us out of His grace.
Prince Jesus, Master of all, to thee
We pray Hell gain no mastery,
That we come never anear that place;
And ye men, make no mockery,
Pray God, pardon us out of His grace.


The Tyger
William Blake

Tyger! Tyger! burning bright
In the forests of the night,
What immortal hand or eye
Could frame thy fearful symmetry?
In what distant deeps or skies
Burnt the fire of thine eyes?
On what wings dare he aspire?
What the hand dare sieze the fire?
And what shoulder, & what art.
Could twist the sinews of thy heart?
And when thy heart began to beat,
What dread hand? & what dread feet?
What the hammer? what the chain?
In what furnace was thy brain?
What the anvil? what dread grasp
Dare its deadly terrors clasp?
When the stars threw down their spears,
And watered heaven with their tears,
Did he smile his work to see?
Did he who made the Lamb make thee?
Tyger! Tyger! burning bright
In the forests of the night,
What immortal hand or eye
Dare frame thy fearful symmetry?


It’s cold—and I wait
For someone to shelter me
And take me from here.


Lived once,
Long ago, but
Only dust and dreams


Hiawatha's Departure
Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

By the shore of Gitchie Gumee,
By the shining Big-Sea-Water,
At the doorway of his wigwam,
In the pleasant Summer morning,
Hiawatha stood and waited.
All the air was full of freshness,
All the earth was bright and joyous,
And before him through the sunshine,
Westward toward the neighboring forest
Passed in golden swarms the Ahmo,
Passed the bees, the honey-makers,
Burning, singing in the sunshine.
Bright above him shown the heavens,
Level spread the lake before him;
From its bosom leaped the sturgeon,
Aparkling, flashing in the sunshine;
On its margin the great forest
Stood reflected in the water,
Every tree-top had its shadow,
Motionless beneath the water.
From the brow of Hiawatha
Gone was every trace of sorrow,
As the fog from off the water,
And the mist from off the meadow.
With a smile of joy and triumph,
With a look of exultation,
As of one who in a vision
Sees what is to be, but is not,
Stood and waited Hiawatha.

Free Verse:

Greenhouse Garden
Margarette Manicdao

If there was once a time
In the midsummer day
near the cottage
i found myself bliss from its beauty
I was in a new dimension
In a state I never knew i had
Never once seen such a beauty of
the green house full of flowers :]

Thursday, November 19, 2009

seatwork in ela with lolo Ü

Sabado, Michael Earvin R
Manicdao, Margarette Nicole N.
iii - Curie

Analysis of Crossing the Bar

The poem starts with the speaker at the toll towards death. with the first line saying :"Sunset and evening star,". It also says that the speaker is also aware of his condition. We feel that the speaker may be diagnosed of some disease. The speaker readily accepts his condition and starts his self-actualization with the long journey across the sea.

As the speaker goes deeper and sees through himself, he realizes all of his faults and wrong deeds and positive ones.

His incoming death draws him physical, emotional and psychological pain. He does not want other family members to know of his death and he wants to die alone. And so he fights his sickness all alone.

The speaker wishes that when he leaves his body and crosses to the spiritual realm. He wants an opportunity to meet his Pilot, his creator, his god.ü

Monday, November 16, 2009

homework *slash* seat work again in english :]

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Manicdao,Margarette Nicole N. iii-Curie 

Biography : Thomas Gray 

Thomas Gray was an English poet in Cambridge University 

He began seriously writing poems in 1742, mainly after his close friend Richard West died. He moved to Cambridge and began a self-imposed programme of literary study, becoming one of the most learned men of his time, though he claimed to be lazy by inclination. He became a Fellow, and later of Pembroke College, Cambridge. It is said that the change of college was the result of a practical joke. Terrified of fire, he had installed a metal bar by his window on the top floor of the Burrough’s building at Peterhouse, so that in the event of a fire he could tie his sheets to it and climb to safety. One night undergraduates decided to play a prank and shouted “fire”. Gray climbed down from his window, landing in a barrel of water placed beneath. 

Gray spent most of his life as a scholar in Cambridge, and only later in his life did he begin travelling again. Although he was one of the least productive poets (his collected works published during his lifetime amount to fewer than 1,000 lines), he is regarded as the predominant poetic figure of the mid-18th century. In 1757, he was offered the post of Poet Laureate, which he refused. In 1768, he succeeded Lawrence Brockett as Regius Professor of Modern History at Cambridge, a sinecure 

Gray was so self critical and fearful of failure that he only published 13 poems during his lifetime, and once wrote that he feared his collected works would be "mistaken for the works of a flea." Walpole said that "He never wrote anything easily but things of Humour." 

Analysis of Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard 

In the first stanza, the speaker hears the curfew bell ringing and sees a herd of cows entering the meadow. the plowman walks lazily because he is tired from a hard day. and the speaker is left alone in the darkness. In this stanza, I think that the curfew bell is the command of the plowman to the cows and the plowman became weary and tired of his own work. I consider the plowman as a normal person doing all of his work in a continual manner. The plowman is tired of being monotonous and doing all of his task like a robot. 

In the second stanza, the speaker observes the beauty of the dusk of the country side. With still air holds the shimmering beauty of the countryside. And beetles start to come home where everything is sleepy and far. In this stanza, it says beetles come home just like humans. During dusk living organisms start to come to their own habitats. It says that humans should be home before sundown and it should be the time of rest. 

In the third stanza, It talks about an owl possessing grace and beauty with the light of the moon. The owl stays at its ivy tree. Behind all of the beauty and grace of the said animal, the owl sings mournfully and sings for sadness due to his solitude. In this stanza, the owl for me is like a rich person. No matter how rich you are you can still be sad behind all the money and power you posses. The ivy-mantled tow'r for me is the symbol for the owl's greatness. 

In the fourth stanza, it presents 2 graves near 2 trees which shades them where 2 bodies lay forever sleeping. In this stanza shows an allusion with "Hamlet sleep", from Hamlet's famous soliloquy which reveals his thoughts of suicide. He has learned his uncle killed his father, the late king, and married the king's wife, his mother. This foul deed has driven Hamlet mad, he seeks both revenge and the escape of death. So in this stanza it says that the 2 graves are of 2 tortured men. 

In the fifth stanza, it says that no matter how noisy the chickens in the straw-built shed in the morning are. The forefathers will not wake anymore. Just like in the tragedy of Dr Faustus, Dr. Faustus will never have a break from the wrath of Mephistopheles in which Faustus wishes for one day of salvation after a thousand years in hell. Only the forefathers will never wake anymore from the dead. 

In the sixth stanza, It says that no one is expecting their return anymore. They do not enjoy the pleasure the comforts of home, the love of his wife with care, and the happiness his children give him. It feels so lonely to be in the grave I now realize. I feel the emptiness of a dead person by this stanza. 

In the seventh stanza, It also says that they do not enjoy the pleasures of work like the happiness of seeing harvest time and plowing the land. 

In the eight stanza, it say that do not let ambition challenge their hard work. They know in their hearts that they are happy and contended with what they have and one thing about them is their personalities are not to be stepped on even if they will never be famous or have history books written about them. 

In the ninth stanza, it shows that despite of power, beauty and wealth everyone must face their inevitable hour or everyone will face death no matter what. All paths of glory lead but to the grave. 

In the tenth stanza, this also shows that money, trophies and all symbols of glory cannot be honored inside the grave so no matter how extravagant the funeral is, it all drops to the line "you are dead". :)) 

In the eleventh stanza, one cannot decieve one's death and come back to life. No one can flatter anyone or anything to come back to life. 

In the twelveth stanza the speaker then comes back to the poor people and ask himself of the greatness they have done like being brave and bold. 

In the thirteenth stanza, it talks about the poor people and their political status in the community. The speaker notices that the poor do not have much advantage on such because they are illiterate or uneducated enough to help the society :] 

In the fourteenth stanza, the speaker observes that some poor talents remain poor if we bury them underground. Our talents will never bloom if we never do anything more to improve and to help ourselves in learning and expanding our knowledge. 

In the fifteenth stanza, the speaker then compares the poor people to 3 great and powerful people namely John Hampden, John Milton and Oliver Cromwell. The speaker suggest that poor people may have the ability to oppose tyranny, but never had the opportunity to exercise its ability. 

In sixteenth stanza,it says that even the poor people have the right to command/lead a country when given the opportunity 

In the seventeenth stanza, It says that mediocres or wealth and even the poor can use their position to take over and use their position for evil. 

In the eighteenth stanza, because of this the wealthy/powerful took over and took advantage and does not let poor people rule over them so they do not let poor people take any position in the society.ü 

In nineteenth stanza, And because they lack funds, poor people cannot fight back and take any position in the society. 

In the twentieth stanza, it says that even if they did not did anything extravagant they still need homage and respect from other people 

In the twenty first stanza,the people who died they are modest and only have their names and names of birth and death. 

In the twenty second stanza,The speaker reasons that most people, faced with the prospect of dying and ultimately being forgotten, cling to life. 

In the twenty third stanza,The dead rely on the living to remember them and to mourn for them. The speaker suggests that this need is so fundamental that even from the grave the buried dead seem to ask for remembrance. 

In the twenty fourth stanza,the speaker addresses himself. He reasons that since he himself has been mindful of the dead, and has remembered and praised them in this poem, perhaps when he is dead someone will remember him. This person, he reasons, will necessarily be a “kindred Spirit,” someone who is also a lonely wanderer in the country, meditating on the nature of death. 

In the twenty fifth stanza,the speaker imagines how an old farm laborer might remember him after his death. If, the speaker speculates, the “kindred Spirit” sees the speaker’s grave and wonders about it, perhaps an old man might offer to describe the speaker. The old man would say that the speaker was often seen wandering about the countryside at dawn. 

In the twenty sixth stanza, at noon, the old man continues, the speaker would frequently stretch out under an old tree at noon, and stare at a nearby brook. 

In the twenty seventh stanza, is all about the speaker being erratic and mood changes 

In the twenty eighth stanza, The speaker continues to imagine this old man remembering him after his death. 

In the twenty ninth stanza, the third day,the old man and his friends would have seen the speaker’s body being carried to the churchyard for burial. The old man invites this curious passerby, or “kindred Spirit,” to read the speaker’s epitaph. 

Figures of Speech: 

The rude forefathers of the hamlet sleep 
Some village Hampden, that with dauntless breast 
The little Tyrant of his fields withstood; 
Some mute in glorious Milton here may rest 
Some Cromwell guiltless of his country's blood 

Save where the beetle wheels his droning flight, 
This pleasing anxious being e'er resigned, 
They kept the noiseless tenor of their way. 

Can Honor's voice provoke the silent dust, 
Or Flattery soothe the dull cold ear of Death? 
Even from the tomb the voice of Nature cries, 

Hard by yon wood, now smiling as in scorn, 
The paths of glory lead but to the grave.
Their growing virtues, but their crimes confined; 

And read their history in a nation's eyes,

Wednesday, October 21, 2009


Author : Christopher Marlowe

was an English dramatist, poet and translator of the Elizabethan era. The foremost Elizabethan tragedian next to William Shakespeare, he is known for his blank verse, his overreaching protagonists, and his mysterious and untimely death.

A warrant was issued for Marlowe's arrest on 18 May 1593. Whom of which no reasons were stated, though it was thought to be connected to allegations of blasphemy—a manuscript believed to have been written by Marlowe was said to contain "vile heretical conceipts." He was brought before the Privy Council for questioning on 20 May, after which he had to report to them daily. Ten days later, he was stabbed to death by Ingram Frizer. Whether the stabbing was connected to his arrest has never been resolved.

Whatever the particular focus of modern critics, biographers and novelists, for his contemporaries in the literary world, Marlowe was above all an admired and influential artist.

Among the few contemporary dramatists to say anything negative about Marlowe was the anonymous author of the Cambridge University play The Return From Parnassus (1598) who wrote, "Pity it is that wit so ill should dwell,/Wit lent from heaven, but vices sent from hell."

The most famous tribute to Marlowe was paid by Shakespeare in As You Like It, where he not only quotes a line from Hero and Leander (Dead Shepherd, now I find thy saw of might, "Who ever loved that loved not at first sight?") but also gives to the clown Touchstone the words "When a man's verses cannot be understood, nor a man's good wit seconded with the forward child, understanding, it strikes a man more dead than a great reckoning in a little room." This appears to be a reference to Marlowe's murder which involved a fight over the "reckoning" – the bill.

Shakespeare was heavily influenced by Marlowe in his early work, as can be seen in the re-using of Marlowe themes in Antony and Cleopatra, The Merchant of Venice, Richard II, and Macbeth.

Summary : The Tragedy of Dr. Faustus

Doctor Faustus, a talented German scholar at Wittenburg, rails against the limits of human knowledge. He has learned everything he can learn, or so he thinks, from the conventional academic disciplines. All of these things have left him unsatisfied, so now he turns to magic. A Good Angle and an Evil Angel arrive, representing Faustus' choice between Christian conscience and the path to damnation. The former advises him to leave off this pursuit of magic, and the latter tempts him. From two fellow scholars, Valdes and Cornelius, Faustus learns the fundamentals of the black arts. He thrills at the power he will have, and the great feats he'll perform. He summons the devil Mephostophilis. They flesh out the terms of their agreement, with Mephostophilis representing Lucifer. Faustus will sell his soul, in exchange for twenty-four years of power, with Mephostophilis as servant to his every wish.

Before the time comes to sign the contract, Faustus has misgivings, but he puts them aside. Mephostophilis returns, and Faustus signs away his soul, writing with his own blood. The words "Homo fuge" (Fly, man) appear on his arm, and Faustus is seized by fear. Mephostophilis distracts him with a dance of devils. Faustus requests a wife, a demand Mephostophilis denies, but he does give Faustus books full of knowledge.

Some time has passed. Faustus curses Mephostophilis for depriving him of heaven, although he has seen many wonders. He manages to torment Mephostophilis, he can't stomach mention of God, and the devil flees. The Good Angel and Evil Angel arrive again. The Good Angel tells him to repent, and the Evil Angel tells him to stick to his wicked ways. Lucifer, Belzebub, and Mephostophilis return, to intimidate Faustus. He was bullied by them, and agrees to speak and think no more of God. They delight him with a pageant of the Seven Deadly Sins, and then Lucifer promises to show Faustus hell. Meanwhile, Robin the Clown has gotten one of Faustus' magic books.

Faustus has explored the heavens and the earth from a chariot drawn by dragons, and is now flying to Rome, where the feast honoring St. Peter is about to be celebrated. Mephostophilis and Faustus wait for the Pope, depicted as an arrogant, decidedly unholy man. They play a series of tricks, by using magic to disguise themselves and make themselves invisible, before leaving.

The Chorus returns to tell us that Faustus returns home, where his vast knowledge of astronomy and his abilities earn him wide renown. Meanwhile, Robin the Clown has also learned magic, and uses it to impress his friend Rafe and summon Mephostophilis, who doesn't seem too happy to be called.

At the court of Charles V, Faustus performs illusions that delight the Emperor. He also humiliates a knight named Benvolio. When Benvolio and his friends try to avenge the humiliation, Faustus has his devils hurt them and cruelly transform them, so that horns grow on their heads.

Faustus swindles a Horse-courser, and when the Horse-courser returns, Faustus plays a frightening trick on him. Faustus then goes off to serve the Duke of Vanholt. Robin the Clown, his friend Dick, the Horse-courser, and a Carter all meet. They all have been swindled or hurt by Faustus' magic. They go off to the court of the Duke to settle scores with Faustus.

Faustus entertains the Duke and Duchess with petty illusions, before Robin the Clown and his band of ruffians arrives. Faustus toys with them, besting them with magic, to the delight of the Duke and Duchess.

Faustus' twenty-four years are running out. Wagner tells the audience that he thinks Faustus prepares for death. He has made his will, leaving all to Wagner. But even as death approaches, Faustus spends his days feasting and drinking with the other students. For the delight of his fellow scholars, Faustus summons a spirit to take the shape of Helen of Troy. Later, an Old Man enters, warning Faustus to repent. Faustus opts for pleasure instead, and asks Mephostophilis to bring Helen of Troy to him, to be his love and comfort during these last days. Mephostophilis readily agrees.

Later, Faustus tells his scholar friends that he is damned, and that his power came at the price of his soul. Concerned, the Scholars exit, leaving Faustus to meet his fate.

As the hour approaches, Mephostophilis taunts Faustus. Faustus blames Mephostophilis for his damnation, and the devil proudly takes credit for it. The Good and Evil Angel arrive, and the Good Angel abandons Faustus. The gates of Hell open. The Evil Angel taunts Faustus, naming the horrible tortures seen there.

The Clock strikes eleven. Faustus gives a final, frenzied monologue, regretting his choices. At midnight the devils enter. As Faustus begs God and the devil for mercy, the devils drag him away. Later, the Scholar friends find Faustus' body, torn to pieces.

Epilogue. The Chorus emphasizes that Faustus is gone, his once-great potential wasted. The Chorus warns the audience to remember his fall, and the lessons it offers.

Analysis : The Inevitable day

I have read the story of the tragedy of Dr. Faustus long ago. It taught me lots of lessons that I myself as a person should also do in order to be a better person. In the story, it says that a person should always face his own inevitable day. Every person has the right to defend his own right and decide whatever he may want. God gave humans their own will. We make our own decisions.  If only we know how to repent and keep it in heart even if we are the worst there is alive, God would always be there to accept and forgive us. God is always ready to accept us if only we know how to repent and love our creator as well as ourselves.ü

Saturday, September 12, 2009

[critisizm editorial]

School money just being invested in the school cafeteria ?

I am writing from the viewpoint of students so i will not write my name. Personally, as a student I know what it feels that all of my school money is just spent on food. Well basically, heres what I have to say. School money is not just for food. I also need my school money for school projects and school needs. Have they ever thought about the money the students were using were from their parents and not their own production? Has it ever occured to them that the parents also get depressed of the thought of their child uses most of the school money on food alone? How much more on the commuters? Have they also thought that a student may walk rather than ride because they got too hungry and decided to eat at school because of the idea that their parents are not home making money for their family ? It doesnt mean tha if students can afford the high tuition fee of the school is the determiner they are rich. People have times of hardships. We all do. We need to balance and know the feelings of the other party. Do not take advantage of the fact that most of the students are from rich families. They also experience those times of needs and shortage.

Friday, September 4, 2009

[argumentation editorial]

Slowness = Laziness ?
Margarette Nicole Manicdao

It is said that sloths are the slowest creatures on earth. Sloths are also identified as one of the most somnolent animals, sleeping for about 15 - 18 hours a day. Most sloths would just most probably hang around trees and not bother to move. They move only when necessary. They normally would when in immediate danger for about 4.5 meters per minute and would move .54 meters [max] when on ground!

Imagine life with all humans as sloths. Can you? Well, I can but it feels horrible! Seeing the animal sloth is already horrible but if you see a human act like a sloth? That would be like very slow. Very unprogressive. Sloth is on the negative eyes of someone who is superior. Most humans get very annoyed unto this simple yet deadly sin. It is normal for people to do mañana from time to time. But it’s not very healthy doing it on a daily basis. God said that use your time wisely, do not waste it. From those words alone you can reflect and are supposed to obey his orders. it is not good.

We must obey and not defy God's orders. Let’s work to support our society, ourselves, and or creator. You invite the desire to sin on its own. "For satan finds some mischief still for idle hands to do" - Isaac Watts


the following posts will be my project in journalism xD hahaha xD enjoy xD well im not a copy poster . so anyways . good luck with my editorals :]

Saturday, August 22, 2009

book review : princess diaries : princess in love

well this is a book that i didnt expect to love . well i did . when i was younger . well it was my mom who wanted me to read that but i changed to some mystery novels . but now i like it too :D hahaha :] so anyways my love for books started since birrh :]] haha joke but my addiction started when i was grade 6 :] well it was because we had a policy that after every 3 o clock prayer . we need to read a book . well at first i was like sure ill go bring some nutty book . i just brang with me the book of my all time favorite movie : harry potter and the prizoner of azkaban . well it was harbound and its the most presentable book i have . well at first i was like scanning through the book . and after the RHGP [hhis also has RHGP] they convinced us to not just look at the book and read it . well i was like sure . and when i was really reading i couldnt help myself anymore . i just kept on reading . and after that t arlene [my filipino and math teacher : the last 2 subjects are with her] was kinda telling herself that i wasnt supposed to be one of those who were supposed to be conviced :]] =]] :]] =]] couz after that i was really addicted . they thought after the first book is the end [which is just 3 days] well no . i didnt stop there . after book 4 [goblet of fire] i even bought the proceding books :]] well my mom and dad gave me the first 4 as a christmas gift when i was grade 4 [the year of chamber of secrets] :]] and when i got to book 6 i went back to book 1 :]] book 1 was actually just half the day :]] so here i am now the book addict :]] so i forgot (doh) this blog is about a book review and not my addiction haha :]] im really always just so carried away with what i say :]] so anyways princess diaries : princess in love is book 3 of the series . well really im reading in *sabog form* well it kinda annoying . it like a spoiler x.x i want to read it in the form i want . x.x not like this which is actually quite annoying not like harry potter i got almost all the series before acutally reading it . well share . mostly i dont like books being filled into the big screen . well to be honest most of the good part goes gone . just like harry potter and the order of the phoenix !!!! grrr !!! i hate it !!! they didnt actually show how my favourite character died TT.TT x.x they are so evil x.x TT.TT and they also got the good parts gone TT.TT x.x evil director x.x TT.TT he even did the same to the preceding movie TT.TT x.x grrr !! TT.TT sirius black TT.TT waa TT.TT so anyways i need to do a book review and not a random blog . well im here to blog that i am so totally loving princess amelia thermopolis migonette grimaldi ronaldo haha . we do have a lot of similarities . well we both need self actualization and we like to express what we feel n the form of a prose . and we are simple :] this blog is now the journal of my life :] this one and the other i mean . well we both have an audience at our literary prose :]] =]] :]] =]] *feeler* so i dont wish to be a princess like her . but one things for sure . i would really love to attain my self actualization

health : marga health status :]]

so here goes with my blog :] this is about myself first since its marga's blog :] well im officially 4'9" and 42.5 kg and im about to turn 15 on august 30 . waaaaaaaaaa ! im expectionally small and light for my age . im abnormal x.x my boyfie is one day older than me but he is approximately 5'4" and 70 kg . gawd im so small . x.x so anyways im a life size doll of kathleen anne merced s taping . and vincent max l alvarado . considering that i am very movable i really am their little doll . and to be a fact that i am up to mikee borromeo's shoulder . i am exeptionally small . but im not the smallest :P well my BMI is 20 which is healthy *dao* but i guess i dont believe it x.x well im almost unhealthy . well anyways im a girl . not a woman so anyways as a girl you always have those feeling of unesiness . because i am in the puberty stage of my life . i have my doubts and insecurities about myself . so anyways . as a child in her puberty years i am really concious about myself . for example . how i smell like . because sometimes i feel like i smell my blood and feel concious that others may too . o.O i mean it . im really scared . i am even afraid of body odor . like from the underarms x.x hello . i am not allowed to pluck [i made myself] because based on studies plucking contributes in the formation of breast cancer . like hello . i dont want that to happen o.O like who would ? but i do . but learning yesterday i lost my ability to do so because i wasnt really doing it so for so long . even if i dont have chicken skin :P my couzin . sister and mother are jelous that i dont have that :P well i have the better skin type remember ? :P so anyways but i shave i get like darker underarms x.x im like asking my aunt if i can have one of those whitening deodorant . o.O what am i blogging again ? o.O gawwd im blogging something private o.O so anyways i dont care anymore . haha couz this things are facts . so anyways i dont like my vains [circulatory system] being visible o.O ! o.O i dont like what they look like . but i like how they feel :]] =]] :]] =]] im so abnormal :]] =]] :]] =]] so i always like to play with other people's hands . even rough hands :] rawr . well basing from this blog entry i was shocked almost all of it are true . well im not very confident and not independent and also straight forward . well im a type of person who beats around the bush i want to . well i am a problem server i want to take over the situation and if i was given the opportunity . well i dont like to step up . im not confident . and im not very dependable couz im a dependent person . but given the chance i can and and would if they would trust me . basically the way hazel always look at me she doesnt give a chance at trusting me . but if you were to trust me anything that would be secrets . im not the type that would tease you infront of the person you are keeping the secret away from :] i could actually pretend with you . and laugh with you after having that akward times :]] i even put myself on the shoes of the person who just trusted me his/her secret . which is actually breath taking :]] well i love my friends and i always show my support and love to them :] even if they always cry on me i dont know how but i make them smile :] i have all the time in the world to spare and to make they smile and laugh with me :] ive got nothing to lose :] nothing but the memories we will forever share :]

Friday, August 21, 2009 : its a banana thing :]]

have you ever seen one of those outcast banana trees outside the school ? well i have a trivia did you know that after a banana has produced a fruit . it will lose its ability to bear a new one . so in short it only bears one . well just now i saw one being cut and a meter away i saw the bundle of bananas . it was green ^-^v so anyways i was really expecting that and so and so . but did you also know that the inside of the banana is found a sap which can be used as ink :]] i know that because we did that for the investigatory project :]] hahaha :] so anyways they really shouldve just done that . or maybe they shoulve used the tree or sumthing for sumthing else . i guess they will . i hope so :] well heres the thing . they are also destroying our back . because a subdivision would be made . exchange to the habitat of the frogs . no more frogs for iiison during the night . so anyways . is it a good thing hearing that . . . NOT ! its so totally not ! look at how much pollution that object contributes in the pollution of earth ! its so totally not helping ! its so evil ! it is not justice ! they are already destroying the frog's habitat . along with the pretty dragonflies TT.TT grrr ! they are contributing to the pollution which is already present in the air and third they are so totally destroying some children's health . i saw some playful kids going around the area . that is so not safe ! what if they happen to be infront of the bulldozer and they didnt respond due to complications ? grr im scared for the kids and the future of the frogs . wow im ok now with the frogs :]] im used to be frightened with them but looking at my sister more frightened than i am im ok with it now :]] =]] :]] =]] :]] =]] so here i am blogging about how people are so arrogant . you see how much people destroy the ozone layer just by staying in an air conditoned car ! we need to change look at mia thermopolis ! she is a princess yet she is so totally ready to help change the world ! she is a princess but her favorite footware is a combat boots and she is so totally down to earth so i love her :] she isnt vain . but she is enviromental concious person even if she is royal . so just like the princess of genovia we need to take care of our earth :] we need to love our home :] our mother :]

Thursday, August 20, 2009

introductory speech.*bow*

this blog will focus anthing under the sun :]] so anyways this blog will be my observatory blog . anyways i already have a journal so this will be my documentary blog . this is a form of literary prose so respect my entries ! well im about to blog long things . well you would most probably catch me blogging about science couz even i as a student love science and my possible futures mostly are science like psychology . reflexology . nursing so anyways enjoy my blog and thanks for wasting your time on reading my blogs :]